Random Vegas
In the 70s, FedEx CEO Fred Smith saved the company when he turned his last $5,000 into $32,000 by playing blackjack in Vegas (@vitalvegas)
Twitpic of the week
To quote a loyal listener @hollywood31 “we all know this is winning. Just announce it now. Can’t beat this view and it is one of Mark’s favorites.” It’s true. This may be the money shot of the Vegas strip landscape views, from @TIvegas. Treasure Island, no matter what Mr. Ruffin does to her, will forever have one of, if not the, most breathtaking and 360 Vegas show inspiring views. In 50 years when she is imploded I may shed a tear…but then get really excited because hopefully it will be run by someone who isn’t the worlds greatest dirt mall merchant in the history of lottery winners.
Price of Fame (Sex on the High Roller Guy Killed)