Saturday, June 22, 2024

E-492: Differently Abled

 Random Vegas

Ever wonder why they call them tokes instead of tips?  The reason is many years ago dealers tried to convince the IRS that the cash they received from players was not a tip and therefore did not have to be reported as taxable income. The logic behind this dodge was that a tip was defined by the IRS as a payment in return for special treatment. Since it is illegal for a dealer to provide any sort of favor to a player, the dealers argued that the money they were given was a “token of appreciation” for dealing an honest game, and therefore not a reward for special services. The IRS didn’t buy it, but the term “toke” stuck.” (Super Casino)


TwitPic of the week

It’s the best picture of the sultan at the Dunes that I’ve ever seen, perfectly lit up a night.  It was a Porte cochere like no other.  Well, it was actually kind of an uneventful Porte cochere but it has a giant sultan on the roof.  And he had a gem that lights up at night in his turban.  This, looking at this, just makes me smile.  The picture was shared by @VitalVegas with a hat tip to Las Vegas Memories Facebook group.
